Balance Working on Vacation Using 5 Easy Tips

Are you heading for a dreamy holiday but worried about working on vacation? In this article, we talk about how to strike the balance between work and enjoyment on a trip.

The question of working while on vacation has always been staring right at us. In the post-COVID era of increased remote working and technology shrinking our world, the question now stands highlighted in bold.

Taking a break every once in a while is essential to our well-being. Disconnecting from the routine of our daily lives allows us to recharge and renew our energies. However, for many of us, the idea of taking a complete break from work can be daunting. Whether it’s due to the fear of missing out on important tasks or the pressure to stay productive, it can be challenging to balance work and vacation. For many others, including the likes of the self-employed, checking in on work while vacationing is a choice. As much as I recommend not working while on vacation, it is understandable that work and vacation are not mutually exclusive of each other.

With technology keeping us connected to the latest developments in our professional lives irrespective of our physical location, balancing work while on vacation has become easier. It has possibly encouraged many of us who are otherwise bound to our desks to go out and see more of the world.

However, talking about the balance is easier than its actual execution. It requires deliberate intent and action. I started Wander Smartly to share my travel stories while having a regular career back home. From my own experience of balancing work and vacations over the last ten years, I share my personally used strategies on how best to explore the world while excelling at work.

Balance Working on Vacation

Let me explain these points for a better understanding.

1. Plan Ahead

Before you leave for your trip, make a list of all the tasks and deadlines that would need your attention while you’re away. It would be best to finish these tasks in advance before your trip or delegate responsibilities to your team members. Inform your reporting manager and team members in advance about your travel plans so it doesn’t come as a surprise to them. This will minimize any disturbances while you’re away and ensure that critical work is still being taken care of in your absence. You can thus enjoy your vacation without worrying about falling behind on important tasks.

2. Set the Right Out-of-Office Email Response

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it is crucial to set an auto-response to our work emails with the right details before we set off on vacation. The auto-response email should clearly specify the dates you’re away and mention the contacts of your team who are filling in for you. It would also be a good idea to call out that you may not have access to emails while you’re away. Do not encourage them to get in touch with you during this period as long as the context permits.

3. Use Technology to Your Advantage

Imagine you are snorkeling in the blue ocean waters and feel mesmerized by the vibrant ocean life. As you emerge back from the waters, you feel an incredible zest for life. Just then, your phone buzzes. It’s a colleague reaching out for a report that you sent them a week ago. The high you felt disappears and you start to get annoyed.

Working on Vacation

The solution to avoiding such a situation is simple but needs a bit of discipline to implement. Turn off notifications from all work apps and avoid checking in when you’re out. This helps you be present and fully immerse yourself in the experience. Do not check emails or take work calls during those hours. The best way to check in on work, if needed, is to dedicate time in the morning before you head out and in the evening before the day ends. Ensure you have internet enabled on your phone. I’d also recommend utilizing the time spent on bus or train journeys to respond to emails or check in with your team.

4. Set Boundaries

You can expect people from work to get in touch with you despite setting an out-of-office email response. If the matter isn’t urgent or has been delegated to a team member, you can choose to not respond while on vacation. Understand the context and decide for yourself. Setting boundaries is essential when it comes to balancing work and vacation. Distinguish between matters that really need your attention during your vacation vs. those that do not. Do not be pulled into matters that are not urgent. Rise above the stigma of being vacation-shamed.

5. Determine What Keeps You at Peace

With blurring boundaries between work and personal life, you have to decide where to draw the line. If there is something important brewing at work and you’d feel more comfortable being abreast of developments, then feel free to check in more frequently. If you’d rather not be disturbed then maintain the boundary. Reflect on what gives you more peace and decide for yourself. There is no judgment either way.

Recent research conducted by Glassdoor found that over 50% of professionals are unable to completely disconnect from work on their paid time off [1]. Another research by the US Travel Association reports that Americans are not utilizing their vacation days and this trend appears to be increasing every year [2]. It has been scientifically proven that travel keeps you healthier and happier [3].

There is always an excuse to not travel and work takes a large share of the blame. So don’t wait for the next time the boss weighs heavy on your mind, allow yourself to be serenaded by mountains and your feet to be kissed by oceans. Work gets managed all the time. Practicing a healthy detachment from work is essential to your mental well-being. No matter your position or designation, no one is indispensable in the office.

Wish to start your own travel blog and share your experience of exploring the world with other? See our article on how to start your own travel blog in a simple and easy-to-implement way.


Are you supposed to work on vacation?

As much as I recommend not working while on vacation, it is understandable that work and vacation are not always mutually exclusive of each other. With blurring boundaries between work and personal life, you have to decide where to draw the line. If there is something important brewing at work and you’d feel more comfortable being abreast of developments, then feel free to check in more frequently. If you’d rather not be disturbed then maintain the boundary. Reflect on what gives you more peace and decide for yourself. There is no judgment either way.

How do I disconnect from work while on vacation?

1. Plan Ahead
2. Set the Right Out-of-Office Email Response
3. Use Technology to Your Advantage
4. Set Boundaries
5. Determine What Keeps You at Peace

How do I write an out-of-office response for a vacation?


I am currently on leave and away on vacation. I am back to work on <date>. I may not have access to emails. For anything urgent, please reach out to <colleague’s name> at <colleague’s contact details>.


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Shreya Kejriwal is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief at She is an avid traveler and her passion has led her to vividly explore the world while maintaining a regular life and career.

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